Amsterdam and Rome Pre-Moot( 9. March 2022)

This past weekend the Vis Moot Team from the University of St. Gallen simultaneously took part in the AIA-CAM Pre-moot which took place online aswell as the IPA Amsterdam Pre-moot taking place in Amsterdam. Damian Wyss and Valentine Daendliker completed the first AIA-CAM pleading against Bocconi University. Sara Fischer and Jens Neese then pleaded against the Universities of Graz, New York law and Doshisha in the AIA-CAM Pre-moot while Damian Wyss and Cédric Schad took turns pleading with Valentine Daendliker against the Universities of Münster and Rotterdam for the IPA Amsterdam Pre-moot. Four more pleadings followed for the IPA Amsterdam Pre-moot against the Universities Munich, Southern Denmark, Humboldt and Maastricht. We had a fantastic, albeit pleading-heavy time, growing both in our pleadings and as a team. We look forward to the month we have left before the Vis Moot in Vienna starts.